• Looking for a mobile distribution partner?


    Reach a global audience and promote your digital products

User acquisition & Ad-space trading


We focus our advertising activity on real users and needs, to create a perfect fit between the user behaviour and the product subscribed.

We avoid bots and virus. The world has a large population, there is no need to create robots and destroy the advertising ecosystem.

We buy advertising space using a mixed portfolio of ad-formats, to create a large footprint for your service.

Additionally, we apply an AB banner testing policy and a dynamic bidding system, in order to show relevant ads to a targeted audience, in the right place, at the right time.

Our ultimate goal is to subscribe paying users to your services.

All our efforts and time/traffic investment have an ultimate goal of finding a paying audience for your digital products and, ultimately, to become a traffic partner with a positive Return on Advertising Investment.

Since we buy clicks and we get paid by subscriptions, we have a big challenge to buy relevant traffic and to do an efficient optimization to reach our margin but, at the same time, we focus on ensuring that your own expense on traffic is the lowest VS your average return per user.


Our growth marketing services

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